World news today

Crimea without water: will Zelensky help annexed peninsula

In the latest issue of the Crimea.Realies program specifically for channel 24 from Radio Liberty, critically not enough water is available in occupied Crimea. That is why, in the fall, the chairman of the budget committee Yuriy Aristov proposed to sell water on the peninsulas in order to fill the budget of Ukraine. However, most deputies opposed such an initiative, because any trade with Crimea violates sanctions.

Clashes occurred in Kazakhstan, eight people were killed, almost 50 were detained

A preliminary reason for the clashes in several villages in southern Kazakhstan is the domestic conflict, which "provocateurs incited to an interethnic plane," said Minister of Information and Social Development of Kazakhstan Dauren Abayev.
On the night of February 8, clashes took place in several villages of the Kordai district of the Zhambyl region in southern Kazakhstan, resulting in eight deaths and more than 40 injured and injured. This was announced by the Minister of Internal Affairs of the country Yerlan Turgumbayev at a briefing broadcast by the Khabar 24 channel .

Authorities said more than 30 houses were set on fire during the riots.  According to media reports, we are talking about ownership of ethnic DungansAccording to him, in the evening of February 7 in one of the villages a "mass brawl" began with the participation of about 70 people, but later the number of participants in the clashes exceeded 300.

"Provocateurs and eyewitnesses to the conflict filmed what was happening on the video, through messengers and social networks they called for illegal actions. This led to an escalation of the conflict and an increase in the number of participants in a group fight. As a result, about 300 more people arrived from neighboring settlements," he said. .

Police detained 47 people, along the perimeter of the settlements where the clashes occurred, put up roadblocks, Turgumbayev said.

According to preliminary data, as a result of the riots, more than 30 private houses, 15 trade objects were damaged, 23 cars were burned.

The cause of the clashes is a domestic conflict, the Minister of Information and Public Development of Kazakhstan, Dauren Abayev , said at a briefing  .

"Unfortunately, this was made possible thanks to provocateurs who instigated to transfer the domestic conflict into an interethnic plane. Now all measures have been taken to stabilize the situation," he added.

Locals told Radio Azattyk that most of the villagers in the riots were Dungans. According to the observation of journalists, all the burnt houses belong to representatives of this people.

The US will allocate up to $ 100 million to China to fight the new coronavirus

Pompeo: Donations are a testament to the generosity of the American peopleThe Department of State facilitated the transport of nearly 17.8 tons of donated medical devices for China, including masks, gowns, gauze, respirators, and more, said US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo.
The United States will provide up to $ 100 million to China to fight the new coronavirus. This was announced by US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, his statement was published on the website of the US Department of State.

"This week, the Department of State facilitated the transport of nearly 17.8 tons of donated medical devices for China, including masks, gowns, gauze, respirators and other vital materials. These donations are a testament to the generosity of the American people," said Pompeo.

According to him, the United States is ready to spend up to $ 100 million to help China and other affected countries, both directly and through multilateral organizations. The funds will be used to contain and fight the new coronavirus.

For the first time, a new type of coronavirus that causes SARS was confirmed on December 31, 2019 in the Chinese city of Wuhan.

On January 30, the World Health Organization  declared the outbreak of coronavirus  2019-nCoV a medical emergency of international concern. At the same time, the WHO does not consider that  a coronavirus pandemic is observed .

As of the evening of February 7, in China, the  death toll amounted to 722 people , the number of confirmed cases exceeded 34.5 thousand. According  to  WHO, as of February 7, one death and 270 cases of 2019-nCoV infection were recorded in 24 countries outside of China. 

WHO on February 6th announced that the number of new cases of coronavirus 2019-nCoV in China on February 5th  for the first time decreased compared to the previous day . The reduction was also observed on February 6, but the organization noted that the numbers could again increase.

Sondland said Trump has ordered his removal from the post of US ambassador to the EU

Sondland is removed from the post of ambassadorUS Ambassador to the European Union Gordon Sondland thanked US President Donald Trump "for the opportunity to serve." Sondland previously testified in Congress on Trump's impeachment case.

US President Donald Trump ordered to immediately remove Gordon Sondland from the post of ambassador to the European Union. Sondland said this on February 7, writes The New York Times .

The diplomat expressed gratitude to the US president "for the opportunity to serve," and also thanked US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and the team of the US mission to the EU.

Sondland testified in the Trump impeachment case.

Earlier, on February 7,  it became known about the dismissal of a  veteran of the war in Iraq, a Ukrainian by birth, the chief expert of the US National Security Council in Ukraine, Lt. Col. Alexander Windman, who also testified in the case of impeachment.

Sondland is one of the key witnesses in the investigation into the impeachment of Trump. On September 24, 2019, Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives Democratic Representative Nancy Pelosi  announced the start of an  official investigation into the impeachment of Trump over the scandal that began after the publication of The Washington Post and The New York Times about the possible pressure of the head of the White House on the President of Ukraine Vladimir Zelensky during a telephone conversation on July 25.

On November 20, in his testimony at a meeting of the intelligence committee of the U.S. House of Representatives, Sondland claimed that, on Trump's direct instructions, he  had a Ukrainian- style  conversation with the personal attorney of White House head Rudy Giuliani. The diplomat expressed the opinion that the suspension of the allocation of financial assistance to Ukraine  is due to the lack of a statement from Kiev about the resumption of the investigation related to the Burisma company.

The official investigation into the impeachment procedure of President Trump was announced on September 24  in the U.S. House of Representatives  in connection with the scandal that began after the publication of The Washington Post and The New York Times about Trump's possible pressure on Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky during a July telephone conversation.

From a September 25  transcript of the conversation,  it follows that Trump raised the issue of investigating the activities in Ukraine of Hunter Biden, the son of Joe Biden, former US vice president and likely candidate for the 2020 presidential election. Zelensky promised Trump that the new Ukrainian prosecutor general would "look at the situation."

We are talking about the activities in Ukraine of the company Burisma, with which Hunter Biden collaborated.

The head of the White House  calls the investigation a  “witch hunt” and insists that he did not put pressure on Zelensky. The President of Ukraine said that during a telephone conversation he was not “pushed” to anything, and stressed that he  did not want to be pulled  into the US election campaign.

Former Prosecutor General of Ukraine Yuriy Lutsenko said that during a meeting with Giuliani in January 2018, he  raised the topic of the investigation of the case of the Ukrainian company Burisma .

On December 18, the House of Representatives  approved both articles of indictment  under the Trump impeachment procedure:  “abuse of power” and “obstruction of Congress” during the investigation. Democrats believe that the head of the White House ignored US national interests for personal political gain. Trump became the third American president to whom the House of Representatives impeached.

The US Senate  began the process of impeachment  on January 16, 2020 . On the evening of February 5, the upper house of the US parliament  rejected both charges.